Have you had a fall in the last year or worried you may fall?
Falls and fall-related injuries are a common and serious problem for older people. People aged 65 and older have the highest risk of falling, with 30% of people older than 65 and 50% of people older than 80 falling at least once a year. Haughton Thornley Medical Centres have been looking into the way we assess and manage falls for our patients. If you have had, or know someone who has had a fall recently, please talk to our nurses and doctors about it so we can a full assessment and help to find ways to prevent further falls. You may need referral to the
- Physio,
- Urgent community care team or
- Falls Clinic at the hospital
They will undertake a complete assessment of your fall and provide interventions which are tailored to your individual needs to prevent further falls.
How to reduce your risk of falls?
There are some really simple measures you can take which can help reduce your risk including
- Improving your balance – consider Tai Chi
- Improving muscles strength and joints – regular exercise, gardening, house work
- Strengthening your bones – calcium and vitamin D for over 65s
- Wear sensible well-fitting shoes
- Check for hazards
- Avoid rugs and sloppy slippers
- Have good lighting on your stairs
- Try not to carry too much
- Try not to rush for the loo
- Review your medication and any side effects you may be experiencing particularly dizziness, feeling light-headed, unsteady on your feet, becoming fearful of walking, becoming forgetful
- Get your eyes tested regularly – free if you are over 60
- Review your alcohol intake
Things you can do to monitor your health
Have you considered any of the following:
- Check your blood pressure regularly at home or in the surgery
- Check your weight
- Consider going on local Tai Chi classes
- Consider doing a Health Pledge to improve your own health
- Order your prescriptions online via the web or an app on your smartphone
- Keep a diary for your appointments with the doctor, nurse, optician, physic, hospital appointment
- Consider accessing your GP electronic health record to remind yourself of what has been said and to keep an eye on your healthcare needs
- Consider asking if your family would like to keep an eye on you by accessing your GP electronic health record for you (needs your permission first)
Talk to your GP or nurse if you have had a fall or worried you may fall.
Don’t fall for it!
It’s time to tackle some myths about falling with this FREE brilliant booklet by SAGA in association with the Chartered society of physiotherapy and Public Health England
Contents include:
- Am I at risk of a fall
- How to reduce your risk
- Fall-proof your home
- Stay safe out and about
- Keep moving for a balanced life
- Six exercises for strength and balance
- Never step on a banana skin!
- Getting up from a fall
- If you fall and can’t get up
- Help prevent other people falling
- How to help if someone has fallen
- Summary: Key messages
- Useful contacts