On Monday 22nd June 2009, the local Heartlink Support Group in Tameside & Glossop invited Dr Hannan to come and talk about how Haughton Thornley Medical Centres has enabled patients to benefit from Real-time Digital Medicine and how patients like themselves may benefit from this too.
For further information about a local support group for patients with heart problems, please contact the Heartlink Support Group which is affiliated to the British Heart Foundation .The group works with heart patients, their carers and relatives to provide support and advice about heart problems. For more information about Heartlink, please contact Danny Jenkins on: 01457 862 741 or 07918 088 562.
If you suffer with heart failure then click here to get further information on the Community Heart Failure Service which has recently been established.
Please note: Each video has a “full screen” button so that you can increase the size. We suggest you increase the volume on your computer so that it is easier to listen to the video.
If you are a patient or a practice that would like the same service as we have at Haughton Thornley Medical Centres then please contact the local Care Record Development Board for further information
Summary of the talk
Video length: 1 minute 40 seconds
Video produced for Sony Executives in 2008 prior to Web 2.0 conference
Facts and figures on the adoption of the internet throughout the world and the changing environment
What does it all mean?
Video length: 4 mins 56 seconds
Video length: 1 minute 52 seconds
Video length: 3 minute 36 seconds
Bringing them together helps to establish the “Partnership of Trust”
Video length: 6 minutes 38 seconds
How do pattients become eMPOWERed ?
Video length: 4 minutes 25 seconds
A broader framework to help patients to understand why they need to find out what they suffer with and then earn what that means for them and how they compare with other patients in the practice
Video length: 7 minutes 4 seconds
Click here to watch a video from NHS Choices on the type of pain patients complain of when they may be suffering with angina or a heart attack. You will need to click on the picture to make it play.
Use of HealthSpace for patients to monitor their own weight and blood pressure and other aspects of their health
Video length: 3 minutes 41 seconds
2 new practices have started to offer Records Access with a further 3 practices hoping to start soon.
Video length: 4 minutes 5 seconds