Prostate cancer

Everything you wanted to know about Prostate Cancer but didn’t dare ask!

Alan Yates, a patient of Haughton Thornley Medical Centres and an active member of the Patient Participation Group who also had asked to do this talk on Prostate Cancer and presented his views below, sadly passed away peacefully. All our thoughts are with him and his family.

Haughton Thornley Medical Centres

On 25th June 2010, Haughton Thornley Medical Centres hosted a meeting on raising awareness of Prostate Cancer as part of Every Man Male Cancer Month.

Dr Tom Yorke, FY2 doctor introduces Prostate cancer, what it is, how common it is, how it presents, what investigations do we do, what is the benefit of a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test, what treatments are available and what factors to take into account when determining what treatment to take.

Alan Yates, a patient of Haughton Thornley Medical Centres and member of the Patient Participation Group gives a personal account of his diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, how things have developed and how it has affected him.

Dr Amir Hannan takes a different approach asking why, when, where, how and what patients could do to learn about Prostate Cancer once you decide you want to know more. The talk is a discussion with the audience asking how these questions could be answered and then goes on to describe NHS Choices, the Map of Medicine and as resources that you can use to learn more too. There is a Q & A afterwards too including how Alan benefits from access to his GP electronic health record to keep tabs on his cancer and encourages other patients to do the same!

The sound quality is poor for this video and hence you may need to change the volume on your speaker to get the best sound.

Here are a list of further resources you may wish to see giving you details about Prostate Cancer too:

NHS Choices

Prostate Cancer from Macmillan Nurse Information on prostate cancer, including how it is diagnosed, treatments you might have, possible side effects and how to get further support.