Study on Patient Access to the GP electronic health record

Dr Richard Fitton (now retired), ex-Caldicott Guardian for NHS Tameside & Glossop asked the practice to fill out some questionnaires on how we are doing in enabling patients to access their medical records. The answers provided will go towards an overall report which will be presented to the local Care Record Development Board. We hope to produce a paper based on these findings to present to an international audience later in the year. All practice staff, clinicians (employed by the practice) and patients who have access to their electronic health records were asked to fill out the on-line questionnaire. A word of warning though – as the numbers of respondents are small, this study gives us some information about their views but further work is needed before we can make firm conclusions. However the findings none-the-less are encouraging and demonstrate the value of patient access to the GP record. 

In the interests of openness and transparency, please find below reports of all the answers we have had to date. For each group there are two reports – quantitative data as well as separate qualitative data.


Clinician Questionnaires – Quantitative results

Clinicians Questionnaires – Comments


Staff Questionnaire – Quantitative results

Staff Questionnaires – Comments


Patient Questionnaires – Quantitative results

Patient Questionnaires – Comments