Tameside Hospital Lead Resuscitation Officer Geoff Pogson demonstrated the hands-only CPR technique to patients, visitors and school children

Tameside Hospital offers CPR lessons as part of Wear Read Day
Watch VIDEOS of the day See PHOTOS of the day
Haughton Thornley PPG (Patient Participation Group) took over the Health Promotion Room at Thornley House on Friday 24th February 2012. The room was decorated with red hearts, red balloons and red cloths on the information tables. Lots of information was on hand for people to help themselves to any information they wanted. PPG members all wore something red and were on hand to show people round the stands.
Over 100 people learnt the ‘Hard and Fast’ technique which was featured in the BHF advert featuring Vinnie Jones. Geoff Pogson, Lead Resuscitation Officer from Tameside NHS Foundation Trust was the instructor. As well as CPR Geoff also gave information on what to do if someone is choking and how to perform CPR on babies.
As well as many adults including patients from other practices, children from St George’s Primary School in Hyde and students from Clarendon College in Hyde attended. Everybody was eager to learn and really enjoyed the day. Children from St George’s all received a healthy snack of ‘cherry infused raisins’ and a ‘lunch box swap’ wheel which makes healthy suggestions. They were also told of www.cbhf.net website which has lot of games and information 7- 11 year old. All children and students were given an attendance certificate.
Geoff said: “There are a number of different CPR techniques but it has been shown that the hands only technique can really make a difference and is simple to learn for people who aren’t medically trained. We are also very keen for youngsters to learn how to perform hands only CPR and we would love to see emergency life skills (ELC) being routinely taught in schools. Tameside Hospital backs the British Heart Foundation’s campaign to add ELC to the national curriculum, but in the meantime I hope plenty of people learn how to perform hands only CPR.”
He taught the ‘hard and fast’ technique as shown in the television adverts featuring Vinnie Jones, and had the Bee Gees ‘Staying Alive’ music to keep time!”
PPG secretary, Yvonne Bennett said “We can’t thank Geoff enough for his hard work. He worked straight through from 9.30 am until just gone 4.00 pm, without even stopping for a break, instructing as may people as possible. Every one loved Geoff’s relaxed and humorous style which put everyone at ease but did not detract from the seriousness of what they were doing. It was also really good that two mothers who had picked their daughters up from secondary school especially for them to learn also joined in as well. Local councillors also came to give their support as well as learning for themselves. Everybody left feeling confident they could not only perform CPR if they had to but, as Geoff had suggested, they could instruct other people who could assist until an ambulance arrived. People were still arriving after we had finished”.
118 people in total attended the event |
37 patients from Haughton Thornley Medical Centres |
34 other patients from other practices |
36 children aged 10-13 |
11 college students |
As the event was recorded and is now available for you to watch, we hope many more people can also benefit from this after the event too.
Haughton Thornley Medical Centres encourages all its patients to get access to their GP electronic health records so that you can understand your health better and share your record with whom you like. Please see www.htmc.co.uk/getaccessnow for further information
Click here to see PHOTOS of Red Wear Day and what happened
Click here to watch the VIDEO of Red Wear Day and how to do Hands-only CPR
With thanks to Geoff Pogson, Haughton Thornley Patient Participation Group, Patients, Students, Haughton Thornley staff and Resusci-Annie and Resusci-Baby – all of whom went home safely after a good days work!
Please note the emergency number in the UK is 999
If you would like further information about activities held by Haughton Thornley Patient Participation Group then please send an email to htmcppg@gmail.com.