What does social media offer the NHS?

Many people wonder why bother with social media and wonder where to start to find out more. Here are resources we have gathered to signpost you to learn more easily. 

A report for the NHS Confederation produced by communications agency Cogitamus, looked at the use of social media in the public sector, with a specific focus on health organisations. Here is a link to the actual document

Main points from the most recent survey in 2020 (Internet users in the UK):

  • 92% of adults in the UK were recent internet users in 2020, up from 91% in 2019.
  • Almost all adults aged 16 to 44 years in the UK were recent internet users (99%), compared with 54% of adults aged 75 years and over.
  • While there has been little change in internet use for adults aged 16 to 44 years in recent years, the proportion of those aged 75 years and over who are recent internet users nearly doubled since 2013, from 29%, to 54% in 2020.
  • 6.3% of adults in the UK had never used the internet in 2020, down from 7.5% in 2019.
  • The number of disabled adults who were recent internet users in 2020 reached almost 11 million, 81% of disabled adults; up from just over 10 million (78% of disabled adults) in 2019.
  • London continued to be the UK region with the highest recent internet use (95%) in 2020, while Northern Ireland remained the lowest at 88%.

Why does a twittering doctor tweet?

10 reasons why any doctor should explore social media
YouTube video from 2007 showing how students are now starting to learn using online tools 

BMJ Blog10 tips on using and enjoying social media by Richard Smith – ex-editor of the BMJ

10 simple rules for doctors on social media

Social Media’s 10 commandments

Twitter etiquette: 24 guidelines to tweet by

The ABCs of Twitter

A 12-word Social Media Policy from the Mayo Clinic

7 twitter mistakes we all have to make!

These are the tweets that will get a doctor in trouble

6 tips to boost your twitter conversations

Questions to ask yourself before engaging in social media

How to use twitter for business and marketing

The pros and cons of life in the Twitterverse

How twitter users can generate better ideas