What is Self Care?

Watch video by Dr Hannan talk as a GP about what Self Care is and also the role of General Practice and hospitals too

Self Care covers every aspect of living a healthy life, from brushing our teeth to looking after ourselves when recovering from illness. People with long term conditions are already doing this well but some are still unaware of the choice of support and information available to help manage their condition. Click on one of the boxes above which give you more details about what else you can do and how the practice is supporting you to look after yourself better.

For instance, everyone with a long term condition can have a personalised care plan, access to courses and support groups as well as knowing about the right equipment to help live healthy and stay independent. Click here for further information or speak to your GP or nurse.

Want to live to an old age and still enjoy a great quality of life too. Watch this video and choose how you wish to live. Nobody can be guaranteed to live long but you can choose what you do today to help with tomorrow and later in life too.

Here is a video made by the Canadian Heart and Stroke foundation. It is a very hard hitting video showing how the choices we make early on in life and in middle age have a big impact on how we spend the last 10 years too. Well worth watching and reflecting on how important self care really is.

Here is a great short video made by the Canadians on Making the Connections: Our City, Our Society, Our Health explaining the difference between an unhealthy and a healthy society and the role of knowledge in helping to make the world a better place for all

Learn about the Social Determinants of Health and why they matter

Watch the video below – about Insulin Dependent Diabetes but it has some really good points on what this may mean for you and how you can feel more in control