Suffering with anxiety / depression? Self refer for Talking Therapies.
Register with SilverCloud or self refer for counselling now

Monitor your mood and make it available for your clinician to see

MyGM Care allows you to record your mood over time and also you can then share this with your healthcare professional at the hospital, mental health and GP practice via the Greater Manchester Care Record

An inspiring, provocative and accessible guide to mindfulness from comedian and neuroscientist Ruby Wax
Five hundred years ago no one died of stress: we invented this concept and now we let it rule us. Ruby Wax shows us how to de-frazzle for good by making simple changes that give us time to breathe, reflect and live in the moment.
Let Ruby be your guide to a healthier, happier you. You’ve nothing to lose but your stress…
Learn more about Mindfullness from NHS Choices here.
Mental health is just like physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Mental health problems affect around one in four people in any given year. They range from common problems, such as depression and anxiety, to rarer problems such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 50% of all lifetime mental illness will be established by age 14, and 75% by the time a person reaches their mid-twenties.
Good mental health means being generally able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. But if you go through a period of poor mental health you might find the ways you’re frequently thinking, feeling or reacting become difficult, or even impossible, to cope with. This can feel just as bad as a physical illness, or even worse.
It’s important to understand when you might need to get some help or support with how you are feeling – or to know when perhaps you may be experiencing a more serious problem. Currently in Tameside there are a number of options to support people who are struggling with their mental health.

Evergreen Life PHR – Monitor your Wellness Scores and Access your GP electronic health record

The Evergreen Life PHR app for iOS and Android devices includes a “happiness score” and an overall “wellness score” which you can use to improve your health. Click here to learn more and how to use this to support your physical and mental health needs.
Start recording your wellness score today and monitor it over time to see how it changes whilst making it fun too!
Wellness App & GP Services | Evergreen Life (evergreen-life.co.uk)
Online CBT: Mood Gym (small payment required)
Anthony Seddon Centre: Want to see somebody in person
Community Hive – 8 to 18 years old
eLearning: Zero suicide alliance. Free 15 minutes elearning course for members of the public that could save a life – how to approach somebody at risk of suicide
Talking Therapies – Silvercloud or register for FREE counselling on NHS
Suffering with anxiety / depression? Self refer for Talking Therapies.
Register with SilverCloud or self refer for counselling now
Online: Kooth – your online mental health community for people aged up to 25
Aged 18-25. Want to go online now and get help. Join Kooth.com now

Online: Qwell – free safe anonymous mental wellbeing support for people aged over 25
Aged over 25? Want online help now. Register and log into Qwell now.
Lisa Says This – Letter to you if you are experiencing depression. It WILL get better
Letter written by Lisa Rodrigues (You can follow her on twitter @LisaSaysThis)
Stress – 4 ways to deal with stress
NHS Choices – Stress
Living Life to the Full

Free resources available for you to use straight away – click on the pictures below and scroll down to find the relevant resource

App: Headspace
Headspace is a pay-for-app that offers a free trial offer and available for both iOS and Android smartphones as well as available to use on tablets and on a PC / laptop.
App: Calm
Calm is a pay-for-app that offers a free trial offer and available for both iOS and Android smartphones as well as available to use on tablets and on a PC / laptop.
Minds Matter
Minds Matter supports people with mild to moderate common mental health problems.
Mental Wellbeing Practitioners, Peer Support Workers and Counsellors who can help you to manage and overcome your difficulties via; counselling, one-to-one support, groups, drop-in support and coaching.

Courses for better health: Health and Wellbeing Centre
All the courses with the Health and Wellbeing College are fully co-produced and co-delivered by experts by profession (people who have professional knowledge in a particular subject area) and experts by experience (people who have personal experience of a particular health challenge). This approach empowers people to use their experiences to help others on their recovery journey. We have found that this way of working really brings a different dynamic to the college.
Life skills – Making a Difference

Making a Difference are an independent mental health charity based in Ashton-Under-Lyne who provide long-term opportunities for people who are aiming to rebuild their lives and improve their social integration.
Want to see somebody in person: Anthony Seddon Fund
At the Anthony Seddon Fund, they have lived experience of mental illness and its effects. They know how quickly it can take hold, no matter how long you have lived with it. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, that won’t ask you to make an appointment or put your name on a waiting list. They are here to provide a safe, non-judgemental environment where they can offer peer support where it is needed.
Hub of Hope – find local mental health services whereever you may be in the UK
Search for Hub of Hope to download a free app on your smartphone or click here to find local services now wherever you may be in the UK made by Chasing the Stigma

Search for Hub of Hope to download a free app on your smartphone or click here to find local services now wherever you may be in the UK made by Chasing the Stigma
Mental health and your GP – Your first visit
Samaritans – Every seven seconds, we respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. We’re here for anyone who needs someone.
App: Stay Alive – app to support people at risk of suicide / self harm
Free Stay Alive App for iOS devices / Free Stay Alive App for Android devices
Ever felt suicidal? This is the app for you to carry your care plan with you.
Developed by Grassroots Suicide Prevention to help you get through the darkest moments that only you know about. For your eyes only.

Staying Safe – If you are struggling and you’re not sure if you want to live or die
eLearning: Zero Suicide Alliance – Free 15 minute eLearning course for members of public that could save a life – how to approach somebody who may be at risk of suicide

Not sure how to approach somebody who may be at risk of suicide. Here is a FREE 15 minutes e-learning course for members of the public as well as healthcare professionals that could just save a life. Click here to learn about “see say signpost” done by Zero Suicide Alliance
Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide
Are you or a young person you know not coping with life. Contact Papyrus and get urgent help before it is too late.
Help is at Hand – Support after someone may have died by suicide

Help is at hand support after someone may have died after suicide.
Health Pledge
Do a Health Pledge today and make a difference in your life now!

Health Pledge is a campaign led by ordinary people.
We are not doing this on behalf of the NHS, medical professionals, politicians or civil servants.
We are hoping to inspire people to take action to improve their health.
The campaign aims to encourage and support people to take small steps to make big improvements.
Health Pledge is an initiative of Thornley House Patient Participation Group. It is the brainchild of the late Ingrid Brindle who assembled a crack team to bring it to life.