Bringing together health and care information across Greater Manchester
The Greater Manchester Care Record (GM Care Record) is a vital digital resource for the city region’s 2.8m citizens, that is used to help improve health and care services and save lives.
It brings together your information from NHS and care services across all 10 Greater Manchester boroughs into one joined up record, so that your information can be accessed by frontline health and care workers, wherever you receive your care.
Health and care information that saves lives
Giving health and care workers access to your patient information within the GM Care Record ensures you will receive the care and treatment you need, at the right time, in the right way.
The GM Care Record joins together our regions’ different NHS and care organisations to help hospitals and other care services access your individual health and care records quickly and securely.
Easy access to your information is essential to providing the most informed front-line care and treatment for you.
Learn more here – GM We are Better Together
Download your own personal GM Care Record and start recording what matters to you
Now Greater Manchester is slowly opening up parts of this record so that you can also see the information on your smartphone device (apple or android) in the comfort of your own home. It also allows you to record information about yourself too that could be vital in an emergency or for your ongoing care needs that all can see if the need arises. Be one of the first patients who can see this information. See further below to find out more.

“MyGM Care could be the next game changer for the residents of Greater Manchester allowing citizens to take further control of their healthcare by allowing them to monitor their health and wellbeing, being better prepared for any future event as well as in an emergency, helping to plan future care and providing vital data for research purposes alongside the NHS app or equivalent GP app”
Dr Amir Hannan
Watch this video by Dr Amir Hannan explaining what the app can do for you.
Click here to learn more about setting Goals for yourself, setting up an Advanced Directive including , doing a Will, setting up a Power of Attorney and information about being a carer or if you are cared for by others.
You can download it for FREE from the play store here (for android devices) and from the app store for apple devices.
Please note: you can still use your NHS app, Patient Access or Evergreen Life PHR app to access your GP medical records. This enhances what you can already see and provides new opportunities for you to help the NHS and social care further.
For the very best experience, we recommend you use both your GP app (NHS App, Evergreen life or Patient access) as well as the MyGM Care app
If you are having problems registering to log in using the NHS login
You can contact our reception staff who may be able to help you
Click here to get help and support re NHS login
Click here to send information if you are still having problems connecting
The GM Care Record is part of something much bigger
The information in the GM Care Record helps us to understand some of the most pressing health issues affecting our city-region.
That’s because your de-identified data, i.e. health and care information whereby your name, NHS number and address has been removed, is being used for highly selective and world-leading research with our clinical, academic and industry partners in Greater Manchester, including our region’s universities and within the NHS.
You can choose to opt out of this if you wish to do so. Learn more about research and planning, see case studies and the results we have gathered to date here.
Keeping your personal data safe is central to the GM Care Record
Each health and care organisation in Greater Manchester collects information about you and keeps records about the care and services they have provided. The GM Care record pulls together the information from different health and social care records and displays it in one combined record to fronline workers. Learn more about your data and privacy here.
If you want to opt-out of your de-identified patient information being used for research and planning in Greater Manchester:
Call us: 0161 947 0770 (and select option 8)
Email us:
Or by writing to us: Information Governance Team, NHS Greater Manchester, 4th Floor, 3 Picadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN
For all other questions you may have, email us:
As dictated by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), every public organisation must have a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Our DPO is Jane Hill and she can be contacted at or telephone 07951 530 417. You can see our Fair Processing Notice here.

What information is included
in the GM Care Record?
Health or care issues we need to be aware of
Any medications you may be taking
Any allergies you may have
Recent test results
Care or treatment plans
Details of any social care or carer support you may receive
Where does the information in the GM Care Record come from?
The GM Care Record pulls information from several important areas of health and care including:
- primary care e.g. GP practices
- community services
- mental health services
- social care
- secondary care e.g. hospitals
- specialist services e.g. NWAS and the Christie

The GM Care Record:
- Safely speeds up decisions related to your care
- Provides access to vital information such as medication, test results and allergies
- Reduces instances of harm, such as allergic reactions
- Enhances care planning
- Improves care coordination across all services and boroughs
Across the boroughs
The GM Care Record is backed by a GM-wide approach to data protection and information sharing in accordance with national guidance, ensuring your information is shared safely, securely and legally. Read more about Your Privacy.