GP Awards 2013

Haughton Thornley Medical Centres were shortlisted for the General Practice awards 2013. The following are the pictures from the event taken on the day. Our award was about recognising the immensely important role our staff play in helping to make Haughton Thornley Medical Centres what it is. Without our staff, we could not provide the services that we do and this was in recognition of the work they do tirelessly to support patient care. You can learn more about what happened and many more comments from Dr Hannan and others that were sent by doing a search on twitter for #GPawards

Our application was in recognition of the work we had done to improve patient access to clinicians and also the introduction of Instant Medical History in the practice. We hope to help standardise this service and make it sustainable for all, not just in the practice but for that we will need to work with others too. 

Going down on the train. We are all excited but also anxious as we are not sure what to expect and what it might be like.

Quite by chance, we met Professor Rajan Madhok on the train just sat a few seats ahead of us. So he came and joined us to share some of his experiences and also learn about the GP practice awards that we had been short-listed for and that we were going down as a team with our Practice Manager (Wendy Smallwood), assistant Practice Manager (Megan Harrison) and receptionist (Jackie).

Having arrived at the hotel, we all got ready for the evening awards. Here we are all set to go for the awards ceremony. This should be a lot of fun. 

Here we are at the Royal Lancaster Hotel for the General Practice Awards 2013. We made it !

Glen Griffiths and Dr Richard Sills who helped to install Instant Medical History as part of our submission for GP practice of the year.

Dr Nigel Higson and his wife were also sat with us. Nigel was one of the judging panel for the awards ceremony. 

Waiting to start our main course meal.

Team Haughton Thornley Medical Centres with Glen Griffiths and Dr Richard Sills. Months of hard work all captured in a photo for all to see. It’s nice to be recognised for the work we have done. But of course we could not have done this without your support too! So if you are reading this now then thank you for getting this far! 

Although we did not win the category of General Practice of the year, we had a thoroughly great time, met many new people, saw a different side to healthcare delivery and felt recharged and ready to go back and work even harder so that we can come back again in the future and win!

But the next day, it was time to get ready and get back to work. 

We took this photo as the last thing we did and then caught a taxi. This photo almost cost us £300 as ended up missing the train. But we would like to thank the ticket master at Euston Train station who agreed to allow us on the next train without having to pay again! It rounded off a truly remarkable journey and made it a lot of fun for all. 

Thankyou everybody for all the compliments. Congratulations to the winners and commiserations to those that did not win on this occasion. Actually we all win because everybody that was recognised at the Awards Ceremony has worked tirelessly to make a difference for patients, improve patient safety and quality improvement.