Help with your GM Care Record

The MyGM Care record allows you to set goals, record you are a registered carer or cared for as well as whether you have an Advanced Directive, a Power of Attorney

Setting a goal

When we prioritize our mental and physical health, every other area of our life improves. We’re better family members, partners, and employees when we feel great, think clearly, and have energy to give. 

Here are a few health goal examples:

  1. Drink more water
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Implement a healthy sleep schedule
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Eat a more balanced diet
  6. Go to a public exercise class weekly
  7. Start individual or group therapy
  8. Learn mindfulness and meditation
  9. Practice gratitude
  10. Spend more time outside
  11. Develop an exercise hobby such as swimming, jogging, or cycling
  12. Make a Health Pledge (set up by Haughton Thornley Medical Centres Patient Participation Group) – learn more here

Set up a Goal

Click here to learn more about creating goals for yourself (and not just health-related)

Healthy Heart Top Tips gives you some ideas on things you may wish to think about

Advanced Directive

You can set up an Advanced Directive to refuse certain treatments (living will) including refusing CPR in advance. This is important as part of planning for End of Life Care. You can learn more here.

Power of Attorney

There are two types of Power of Attorney – Propery and Finance and Health and Welfare. You can choose to have just property and finance or you can have both.

Which? Power of Attorney

Also consider setting up a will. There are many places yu can go to for a will. Here is an example from Which? although we do not endorse any products or services

Register as a carer or if you are cared for

It is important you register as a carer with the surgery or if you are cared for. Please inform our reception staff and also click here to learn more about what help and support you can get too.